iQOO started its journey in India by introducing a gaming-centric flagship smartphone back in 2020 in India. It adopted the top-down approach and introduced its Z-series of mid-range and upper mid-range devices later. Reports suggest it will soon add the fourth smartphone to the Z6 lineup. The new iQOO Z6 SE (Speed Edition) will join the iQOO Z6 44W, iQOO Z6 5G, and the iQOO Z6 Pro 5G in the lineup.
iQOO Z6 SE Launch Imminent In India
The device was spotted on iQOO India’s website by Rootmygalaxy via passionategeekz. The fact that it has made an appearance on the website, suggests that the brand is planning to launch it soon. However, the report doesn’t reveal any specifications of the new iQOO Z6 SE. It is also unknown at this point whether it will be a 4G or a 5G capable handset.
The 5G moniker is missing in its name, as it just says iQOO Z6 SE. So, we could assume it to be a 4G smartphone. It could be positioned between the iQOO Z6 44W and the iQOO Z6 5G. The iQOO Z6 44W is powered by a Snapdragon 680 chipset, which is by no means a gaming-centric processor. The Z6 Speed Edition will try to offer an improved gaming performance but this might happen at the expense of an OLED display. While the iQOO Z6 44W comes with an OLED display, the iQOO Z6 SE could come with an LCD to keep the prices in check.
Regarding pricing, the iQOO Z6 44W price starts at ₹14,499, while that of the iQOO Z6 5G begins at ₹15,499. The iQOO Z6 SE is also expected to be priced similarly. Also, there will be a lot of similarities design-wise. So we can expect it to get the obsolete waterdrop style display notch. As per reports, the brand may reveal the device in a few days.
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