The Google Home app, which was said to be exclusive to the Pixel Watch, is now available on all WearOS 3 powered smartwatches. The Google Home app was upgraded and made available on the Play Store in conjunction with the introduction of the Pixel 7 series. Google Home cannot be installed on the Pixel Watch without the latest update. It’s unexpected that the update is enabling other smartwatches to download the app at the same time, even though it was anticipated that the Pixel Watch would receive the app first.
Although you may want to immediately download the app for other smartwatches, there are certain caveats you should be aware of. For instance, the app can only be downloaded on smartwatches running Wear OS 3 or later. Additionally, as this is only a “public preview” of the service, you should watch out for any issues. Furthermore, this public preview does not cover all features yet and only lets you control a handful of smart home devices.
Additionally, the app is only compatible with the Montblanc Summit 3, apart from the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5, Watch 5 Pro, Watch 4, and Watch 4 Classic. After installation, you can use the app to operate your smart home appliances, such as smart lighting or a smart thermostat. Since this is a beta build, some aspects of the app might not look polished or features might be finicky to operate. These will all be rectified in a stable public build, which is expected to be announced in the coming weeks.
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