OnePlus launched the OnePlus Buds Pro in India back in August 2021. Now, the brand is preparing to introduce the successor to the OnePlus Buds, the OnePlus Buds 2 Pro. While the launch date of these upcoming TWS earbuds remains unknown, we have its specifications coming, in courtesy of Pricebaba, in collaboration with popular leakster Steve Hemmerstoffer, otherwise known as OnLeaks. Let’s check out the OnePlus Buds 2 Pro specifications.
OnePlus Buds 2 Pro Specifications, Features (Expected)
According to the leak, the OnePlus Buds 2 Pro will be equipped with 11mm and 6mm dual audio drivers, similar to the OPPO Enco X2 TWS earbuds. The earbuds will have LDHC 4.0 spatial audio support, up to 45db of active noise cancellation (ANC), and adaptive noise cancellation support. Furthermore, each earbud will feature three microphones onboard for enhanced voice isolation during calls.
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Also Read: OnePlus Buds Pro Review: The Plus-One For Bassheads
As of now, the pricing of the OnePlus Buds 2 Pro is not known yet. Given that the OnePlus Buds were priced at around ₹9,999, we can expect the successor to retail for the same price. The original OnePlus Buds were launched in Glossy White, Gradient Silver, and Matte Black colour options. The Buds Pro 2 will also come in the Black and White colour options, except that this time we will get to see the buds in a new green colourway.
Are you excited for the launch of the OnePlus Buds 2 Pro? Do let us know in the comments section below.
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