Google just unveiled the Android 13 operating system, with stable releases rolling out this week for Pixel smartphones. All major OEMs, including Xiaomi, started releasing beta builds for their flagship devices shortly following Google’s announcement. In a community post, the company said that it is looking for beta testers for MIUI 13, which is based on Android 13. This beta firmware is only available for their top-tier Xiaomi 12 series for now.
The MIUI beta testing programme is compatible with the Xiaomi 12 and Xiaomi 12 Pro. The company is only admitting 200 users on a first-come, first-served basis for the aforementioned Xiaomi devices.
To receive the OTA update, applicants must also be running the MIUI Global stable ROM. They are also required to be active members of the Mi Community with a Mi account. Additionally, as a prerequisite, Xiaomi is also recommending that users back up their data. It cautions testers and asks them to be ready to visit their local Xiaomi Service Center if their handsets can’t be switched on after installing the beta ROM.
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