On Wednesday, Dell launched the Dell XPS 13 Plus laptop in India. The XPS 13 Plus was first introduced by Dell at the CES event earlier this year. This new offering from Dell is its most powerful laptop which comes equipped with a 12th Gen Intel Core processor. The laptop features a stunning design, a four-sided InfinityEdge display with 4K resolution, and an improved quad speaker design. Let us take a closer look at the key specifications and pricing of the Dell XPS 13 Plus.
Dell XPS 13 Plus Price In India, Availability
The Dell XPS 13 Plus price in India starts at ₹1,59,990 for the 16GB RAM and 512GB storage model. The other variant retails for ₹1,79,990. It comes with 16GB of RAM and 1TB SSD storage. This new laptop will be available for sale in India starting from July 23, 2022 via Amazon, Dell.com, and Dell exclusive stores.
Dell XPS 13 Plus Specifications, Features
The Dell XPS 13 Plus boasts of a 13.4-inch display that has UHD+ resolution. The display panel has a screen-to-body ratio of 91.9%, 500 nits of peak brightness, 90% DCI-P3 color gamut, and thin bezels on all four sides. The display also has support for Dolby Vision and Eyesafe technology for reduced blue light. Powering this new laptop is a 28W 12th Generation Intel CoreTM i7-1260P processor which is paired with Intel Iris Xe Graphics. The laptop packs up to 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM and up to 1TB of PCIe 4×4 SSD storage. The keyboard on this device features an edge-to-edge design with flush keys, thereby resulting in larger keycaps.
Furthermore, the XPS 13 Plus has 55 percent batter air flow, a 720p webcam, a fingerprint reader, and quad speakers with MaxxAudio Pro and Waves Nx 3D audio. The laptop comes installed with Microsoft Office 2016 or Office 365, Foxit Phantom Standard PDF, McAfee LiveSafe, SupportAssist, and more.
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Get the latest technology news, reviews, and opinions on tech products right into your inboxConnectivity-wise, the XPS 13 Plus has two Thunderbolt 4 ports with DisplayPort and Power Delivery, Wi-Fi6E, Bluetooth v5.2 support. The laptop ships with a USB-C to USB-A 3.0 adapter and USB-C to 3.5mm headset adapter. The whole package is loaded with a 55Wh battery which can be charged with a 60W adaptor. The XPS 13 Plus weighs around 1.29kg and it runs Windows 11 Home out of the box.
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