DigiLocker services will now be accessible to WhatsApp users in India. DigiLocker is a government operated digital wallet service, which allows you to store your documents in a digital format over a server to be accessed when required. Whatsapp, in collaboration with MyGov, aims to make the DigiLocker service more accessible to store your PAN, driving license, car/motorcycle registration certificates, and miscellaneous documents conveniently.
WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging services in India, and the availability of MyGov Helpdesk on WhatsApp will be beneficial to many. You can retrieve your important documents like insurance policy certificates, PAN cards, vehicle documents, CBSE Class X certificates/ mark sheets, Class X certificates/mark sheets, Class XII mark sheets etc. via WhatsApp. The documents that you store on the DigiLocker are as legal as your original physical documents.
How To Access DigiLocker On WhatsApp
- You will have to save the number +91 9013151515 in your contacts.
- Open WhatsApp on your smartphone.
- Search for the saved contact on Whatsapp and open the chatbox.
- Type Namaste or Hi and hit send.
- The DigiLocker Helpdesk will ask you to create a new account or details for existing users.
- If you already have an account, it will prompt you to enter the 12 digit Aadhar card number and OTP for verification.
- The Helpdesk will then list the official documents for you to retrieve.
- Type the number associated with the document you wish to download.
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Get the latest technology news, reviews, and opinions on tech products right into your inbox“The Government has been working to promote ‘Ease of Living’ through Digital India and the MyGov Helpdesk on WhatsApp is a major step to ensure governance and government services are at the fingertips of citizens,” reads the official statement.
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