According to reports, the upcoming update for Realme 5G devices includes compatibility for Jio 5G services. This comes at a time when 5G has arrived in the country formally. Several customers tweeted that they had received a fresh Realme UI update, which includes compatibility for Jio’s 5G network in the changelog. On Realme phones, this update also brought the Android security patch for September 2022, as well as additional system and stability fixes.
Users will now have access to Jio 5G on their devices. By the end of this year, a good chunk of the population, especially in the urban areas, will reportedly have access to 5G services. Jio has declared that it will begin implementing 5G in the nation later this month. In case you live in an area that will soon see the 5G rollout, you can check the software update area in the phone’s settings menu if you haven’t yet gotten it.
Here is a quick look at the new Realme UI update changelog
- Integrates the September 2022 Android security patches.
- 5G network function supported for Jio.
- Improves system performance and stability.
5G India Roadmap
In India, the 5G network was formally introduced during the Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) 2022. Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel, two of the top telecom providers, have said they will launch 5G services in the coming weeks. Vi has not provided a specific date for the debut of its 5G services. The state-run carrier BSNL, on the other hand, has said that it would offer 5G services to its customers by 2024.
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