Samsung is reportedly working on launching a couple of new Galaxy A series devices dubbed the Samsung Galaxy A23 and the Samsung Galaxy A04s in India. Both devices were earlier spotted on Geekbench, which revealed the RAM, OS version, and processor details of the upcoming Galaxy A series smartphones. In a recent development, the Galaxy A23 and the Galaxy A04s have been listed on the BIS certification website, and can be expected to launch in the country soon. Let us take a look at the BIS listing for the upcoming Galaxy A series devices.
Samsung Galaxy A23 And Samsung Galaxy A04s Listed On BIS
According to a MySmartPrice report, the Samsung Galaxy A23 bearing the model number SM-A236E/DS and the Samsung Galaxy A04s with model number SM-A047F/DS have been spotted on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) website in India. While the listing does not reveal much, we can expect the devices to launch soon in the country.
Samsung Galaxy A23 5G, Galaxy A04s Specifications (Expected)
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Get the latest technology news, reviews, and opinions on tech products right into your inboxBased on the Geekbench database, the Samsung Galaxy A23 5G will be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 695 processor, which will be coupled with Adreno 619 GPU. The database further reveals that the device will come with 4GB of RAM. The Galaxy A23 will run on Android 12 out of the box, which will likely be based on One UI 4.1 skin.
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On the other hand, the Samsung Galaxy A04s will boot Android 12 out of the box. The smartphone will come powered by an octa-core Exynos 850 processor coupled with ARM Mali-G52 MP1 GPU. The Samsung Galaxy A04s will reportedly feature 3GB RAM. However, we can expect the brand to launch additional storage variants for the device.
Will you be interested in buying the upcoming Samsung Galaxy A series devices? Do let us know in the comments section below.
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