Apple unveiled its in-house developed chipset for laptops, dubbed, the Apple M1, with the launch of the MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro last year. As it turned out, the Apple M1 is a very powerful chipset, beating even the high-end processors from Intel and AMD. To everyone’s surprise, Apple brought this chipset to the iPad Pro 12.9 and iPad Pro 11 this year. While the new iPads are yet to reach customers, the first set of benchmarks have appeared online showing the true potential of the tablet.
M1-powered iPad Pro 12.9 AnTuTu score surfaces online
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Get the latest technology news, reviews, and opinions on tech products right into your inboxEarlier today, AnTuTu, a popular benchmarking platform, posted the AnTuTu benchmark result for the iPad Pro 12.9 with M1 SoC. According to it, the M1-powered iPad Pro 12.9 has scored 10,60,247 points in the AnTuTu benchmark, which is in the spitting distance of the MacBook Air powered by the M1 SoC, which scored 11,19,243 points.
It is astonishing to see a tablet perform almost as good a laptop. The iPad Pro 12.9 that was benchmarked was the top-end variant with 16GB RAM and 1TB storage. To breakdown the score, the tablet scored 2,40,977 points for CPU, 5,14,792 points for GPU, 1,99,257 points for memory, and 1,05,221 points for the UX performance.
The iPad Pro 12.9 is undoubtedly the most powerful tablet to date. While the benchmark for the iPad Pro 11 is yet to arrive, you can expect it to offer similar performance. The iPad Pro 11 and the iPad Pro 12.9 are currently available for pre-orders and the company will start shipping these tablets from 21st May in many markets across the globe.
The iPad Pro 11 starts at Rs 71,900 and goes up to Rs 1,84,900 in the Indian market. The iPad Pro 12.9, on the other hand, starts at Rs 1,13,900 and goes up to a jaw-dropping Rs 2,12,900 in the country. Hopefully, we will get to see more benchmark results as these tablets start shipping to the customers on 21st May.
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