JBL has added a new product to its Quantum range of gaming headphones in India. The new headset, dubbed the JBL Quantum 350, comes as the wireless version of the JBL Quantum 300 headphones, which features 3.5mm wired connectivity. The latest JBL gaming headphones feature 2.4GHz wireless connectivity, QuantumSOUND Signature, a 22-hour battery life, and more. Let us take a look at the JBL Quantum 350 price in India, full specifications, and features.
JBL Quantum 350 Price In India, Availability
The JBL Quantum 350 is priced at ₹8,499 in India. The headphones are available for purchase via JBL’s online store and various offline and online retail outlets in the country.
JBL Quantum 350 Specifications, Features
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Get the latest technology news, reviews, and opinions on tech products right into your inboxThe JBL Quantum 350 comes equipped with 40mm drivers and JBL QuantumSOUND Signature and JBL QuantumSURROUND technology for an immersive audio experience during gameplay. As mentioned earlier, the headset supports 2.4Hz wireless connectivity via a USB dongle. This allows users to move around freely during the gameplay without experiencing any audio drop. The new JBL Quantum 350 works with both PCs and gaming consoles.
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Speaking of the build, the headphones are lightweight and weigh around 252 grams. The ear cushions are made of PU leather and memory foam to provide a comfortable fit around the ears. The headset also features the JBL QuantumEngine software, which allows users to customise sound by altering the EQ, mic, and more settings. Additionally, the JBL Quantum 350 Wireless headphones come with a detachable voice-focus boom microphone, which ensures voice clarity even when the game gets noisy.
When it comes to the battery, the company claims that the JBL Quantum 350 can last for up to 22 hours on a single charge. A mere 5-minute of charge can deliver up to 60 minutes of playback. You can charge the headphones simultaneously during the gameplay via USB Type-C. The JBL Quantum 350 is Discord certified and works with Skype and TeamSpeak.
What are your thoughts on the newly launched JBL Quantum 350 wireless gaming headphones? Do let us know in the comments section below.
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