With version number, WhatsApp is presently rolling out an upgrade to its beta app. Recent beta releases demonstrate two recently added features, such as “Keep disabling messages” and “Do not disturb API – Missed calls,” which are now under development. Additionally, WhatsApp’s “Call Links” function, among many other features, is presently rolling out to users.
WhatsApp Call Links Feature
With the new update release, beta users who have access to the Call Link feature can now start utilising it to build links for calls. When you establish a link for a call, you may choose the call type (voice or video), and if more than two people join, the call then becomes a group call. The feature is up and running on build number along with some additions to the Disappearing message API.
Do Not Disturb Feature (Coming Soon)
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Get the latest technology news, reviews, and opinions on tech products right into your inboxAdditionally, WhatsApp is developing a new Do Not Disturb function. It works as the name suggests, and as soon as the mode is evoked, it cancels out all the call notifications. Rather, a new label is created under the calls tab that pops up when a call is missed and the smartphone is in do not disturb mode, as seen in the screenshot shared by WABetaInfo.
The above features are still in active development and should be released in the stable builds soon.
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